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Benoît XVI: « Avec le Cardinal Sarah, la liturgie est en bonnes mains »
par Gaspard 2017-05-19 16:37:07
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Pope emeritus Benedict XVI has said the Church’s liturgy “is in good hands” with Cardinal Robert Sarah, and praised him for his mastery of silence and interior prayer.

The Guinean cardinal “is a spiritual teacher” Benedict XVI writes of the cardinal prefect the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, in an afterword for Cardinal Sarah’s new book The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise, published last month in English by Ignatius Press.


The Pope emeritus adds: “We should be grateful to Pope Francis for appointing such a spiritual teacher as head of the congregation that is responsible for the celebration of the liturgy in the Church.”

Benedict’s warm words are likely to encourage the cardinal who has battled a number of factions in the Vatican over the past year.

In particular, he called last July for a return to the practice of celebrating the Mass ad orientem — facing East, away from the faithful and towards God — a suggestion that received a swift, unfavourable response from the Vatican.

At the end of March, he said the Church cannot close her eyes “to the disaster, the devastation, and the schism that the modern promoters of a living liturgy have provoked by remodeling the liturgy of the Church according to their ideas.”

“They forgot that the liturgical act is not only a prayer, but also and especially a mystery within which something is realized for us that we cannot understand entirely, but which we must accept and receive in faith, love, obedience, and an adoring silence,” he said in his talk, which also received a frosty response among those more favourable to modern, liturgical innovations.

Source National catholic reporter


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 Benoît XVI: « Avec le Cardinal Sarah, la liturgie est en bonnes mains » par Gaspard  (2017-05-19 16:37:07)
      C'est en Français par Steve  (2017-05-19 16:58:07)

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